Chapter 8:
Luther Before the Diet
“And ye shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them…” Matthew 10:18
The scene opens with Martin Luther in the throes of persecution. Because he does not take back his conviction of the validity of God's word, he is brought before the high and mighty men of the church. With the eyes of the church on him, Martin Luther prepares for not only the fight of his life but for the defense of God’s word.
What are the elements of this chapter?
Event: DIET OF WORMS (1521)
Luther summoned to appear before the emperor and church officials to answer the charge of heresy.
Luther at the Diet
Luther is brought in front of the council but asks for more time to prepare a response. (Matthew 10:18-20; 10:33)
His friends are terrified and distressed and Luther taken over by fear, his faith falters and he prays for strength (GC 156.3)
Luther at the Diet
Luther is pressured to retract but requests the council to show him his error from Scripture.
Luther declares his famous "here I stand, I can do no other so help me God" speech. The council is left speechless. (GC 160.1-160.2)
The Legate threatens the emperor to stay in line with the church and eventually an edict condemning Luther and his followers was written.
People: EMPEROR CHARLES V (1500-1558)
Holy Roman Emperor
Devout Catholic who grants Luther safe passage to the Diet and back home.
An Enemy!
The Papal Legate Aleandro declares Luther an enemy of the state and puts pressure on the emperor for the death penalty, threatening all of Luther’s follower's as well
The Legate uses many tactics against Luther which include academic bullying, ridicule, Lies and slander.
(2 Timothy 3:12)
People: GEORGE THE BEARDED (1471-1539)
Duke of Saxony
Voices what many in attendance felt against the abuses of the church
"their only object is…money, money, money!" (Read GC 149.2-149.3 for the full story.)
The Legate threatens the emperor to stay in line with the church but the Emperor grants Luther safe conduct to return home.
As Luther departs from Worms, He is taken by agents of Frederick III and secretly brought to Wartburg castle for safekeeping.
From Wartburg castle, Luther writes tracts that are circulated throughout the empire and translates Bible to German.
What does this have to do with me today?
How would I prepare to testify before Congress if my faith was being challenged?
Have I observed abuses of authority in the name of church policy in my church?
What would it take for me to stand up against policies contrary to the Word of God?