Chapter 7:
Luther's Separation from Rome
“Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.” Matthew 5:11
The scene opens in Germany, where a people dwell in darkness. God does not leave His people without a champion of faith. Martin Luther is such a champion. With the sword of God's Word he battles against the darkness of his time. Even champions need the Lord to lead them as did the Bible heroes of old. They, like Martin Luther, at times stood alone. But God does not leave us alone if we purpose in our hearts to follow Him.
What are the elements of this chapter?
People: MARTIN LUTHER (1483-1546)
German reformer, priest, professor, and
Poor son of a miner went to school at the University of Erfurt where he discovers the Bible and loves studying God's Word.
Luther’s view of God is distorted due to his fear of being condemnation and view on hell. Because of his unhealthy view of himself of a sinner, he joins a monastery.
A monk by the name of Johann von Staupitz encourages Luther to give his life to Christ.
Luther, a faithful catholic, is ordained as a priest and is sent to Wittenberg as a professor. Wittenberg becomes the center for spreading gospel. Luther becomes a doctor of theology. He leans on the Scriptures as the only source for doctrine.
The visit to Rome is a turning point in Luther’s spiritual life.
He is confronted by and appalled by the sin and corruption he saw there, realizing.He realizes the futility of pilgrimages, indulgences, and penance.
While making a climb on the Scala Sancta, he is reminded of the verse, "The just shall live by faith." (Romans 1:17)
People: JOHANN TETZEL (1465-1519)
Dominican friar
Tetzel is sent by the pope to sell indulgences as a fundraiser to build St. Peter’s Basilica. (Acts 8:20)
False Doctrine: INDULGENCES
Paying money to have sins forgiven, for the past and for future as well as the sins of departed loved ones.
Luther writes and nails a ninety-five point document to the Wittenberg castle church doors.
The document criticizes indulgences and the greed of the church.
News of the ninety-five theses travels with lightening speed throughout Europe, including Rome.
Luther is summoned to Rome to answer the charge of heresy. (Matthew 10:34;2 Timonthy 3:12)
People: GIROLAMO ALEANDRO (1480-1542)
Papal Legate (personal legal representative of the pope)
Aleandro is assigned to prosecute Luther’s case.
Prince of Saxony, Germany and Elector of the Holy Roman Emperor.
Requests Luther to be tried in Germany instead of Rome choosing Augsburg as the place for the case to be heard.
People: PHILIP MELANCTHON (1497-1560)
Lutheran Reformer.
A supporter, fellow reformer, and friend of Luther.
He comes to Luther’s aid.
Luther is commanded to submit implicitly to the church’s policy or face excommunication.
Luther refused to yield or retract unless proven to be in error by scripture.
He escapes from Augsburg when he learns that he is to be arrested.
He suspects the pope of being the antichrist.
Rome, bent on Luther's overthrow, issues a Papal bull against him and his doctrines.
Sixty days are given to Luther and his followers to recant or be excommunicated from the church.
Luther responds: "I despise it, and resist it as impious and false…" an d declares the pope to be antichrist.
Luther is excommunicated. (Matthew 5:10-12, John 15:19; 2 Corinthians 4:8-10)
What does this have to do with me today?
Does God require me to comply with a church that is willfully committing sin?
Is it lawful to disobey a church that lifts policy over Scripture?
What should I do when I see church leaders going against Scripture?