Chapter 2:
Persecution In The Early Centuries
“… The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you…” John 15:20
The scene opens with a prophecy that Jesus pronounced concerning the future of his church. The early Christian church faced a grueling test. Would they be willing to pay the ultimate price to show their love for God or would they give in to the pressure of the world to save their lives? A preparation needs to be made to face an unfavorable future. Satan worked incessantly in order to destroy God's fledgling people.
What are the concepts of this chapter?
Jesus predicted persecution of his church. (Matthew 24:9-13; Mark 13: 9-13; Luke 21: 12-19)
Satan declares war on the church by causing Christians to be persecuted by the Roman Emperor Nero.
The world under Satan is at variance with Christ (James 4:4)
The Church Continues
The church goes underground but grew despite the trials. (GC 41.2)
Persecution kept the church pure by sifting out the unfaithful. God's people stayed faithful, encouraging one another in faith. (2 Timothy 3:12, John 15:20)
Question: What is the church?
Lying, concealing or misrepresenting truth.
Unable to destroy the church with violence, Satan infiltrates the church disguised in a form of sanctity in order to destroy with deceit that which he could not by force.
Turning away from biblically established truth.
The church is compromised with apostasy when its leaders seek power, honor, and earthly prosperity.
Church leaders seek the unity of church and state and betray it’s principles just as Judas betrayed Jesus.
Question: Is there apostasy in your church? If so, how is it manifested?
The following of polytheistic religion or earth/nature worship.
Paganism is brought into the church and mingled with Christian belief.
A peculiar people is preserved unto God. (Exodus 19:5, Titus 2:14, 1 Peter 2:9)
The faithful Christians separate from their apostate churches out of necessity in order to be obedient to God. (Amos 3:3)
There is no union with Christ and Satan, no union with Christ's people and Satan's people. (GC 46.1) (Revelation 18:42; Corinthians 6:17)
The Remnant of God’s people stay obedient to the commandments of God rather than men. (Acts 5:29; Revelation 14:12)
Question: What makes God’s remnant people peculiar?
God permits persecution to occur to allow evil to reveal it’s true character.
He suffers long with humanity to give them a chance to choose evil or good.