Chapter 1:

The Destruction of Jerusalem


Destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem by Francesco Hayez (1867).


“And Jesus answering said unto them, Seest thou these great buildings? there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.” Mark 13:2


The scene opens with Jesus looking over the city of Jerusalem and prophesies to his disciples what will happen to it in the future. Christ's ministry on earth is characterized with pleadings to turn away from sin and to follow His example. He weeps over the suffering and impenitence of the people he came to save, warning them not to continue in their sins (John 5:14). Sadly, the Jewish nation does not heed Jesus' warnings and suffers the consequences for their actions. However, there were those who remained faithful to Jesus and heeded His warning to escape the coming destruction.

What are the elements of this chapter?



The foretelling or prediction of future events.

Knowledge of the end from the beginning. (Isaiah 46:9-10)

Jesus prophesies the future destruction of Jerusalem and laments for their un-repented sins. (Matthew 24:2; Luke 21:6; Mark 13:2)


Prophecy Confirms that God is God

Prophecy is an attribute that is unique to God. (Isaiah 46:9-10)

Prophecy gives us light that we can be sure of. (2 Peter 1:19-21)

Studying prophecy is a blessing if we keep it. (Revelation 1:2-3)

Those who profess to follow Jesus Christ should also follow prophecy because it comes from Him. (Revelation 19:10)


Question: Why is prophecy important to learn?



A period of testing or trial of a person’s conduct and character to determine if there is a change of character.

Probation bears witness of God’s character. (Exodus 34: 6-7) He bears long with His people; offers mercy; gives them time to repent and be converted.



Due to civil war breaking out in Judea against the Romans, an army under the command of Cestius lays siege to Jerusalem trapping Christians who were still living in the city.

Cestius mysteriously retreats.

(See GC.30.2)



The part that remains after the majority is gone.

God preserves a small group of faithful people. (Revelation 12:17; Joel 2:32; Romans 9:25-27)

The Christians who were trapped inside Jerusalem during the siege were able to escape by heeding the words of Jesus when He told them to escape. (Matthew 24:15)


Question: In what other instances in the Bible did God preserve a remnant?


Concept: GOD’S WORD

Truth, Prophecy, Scripture (Psalm 119:130)

Those who heeded Jesus’ prophecy escaped destruction (Matthew 24:15-21)



A person filled with excessive zeal and irrational beliefs.

Jerusalem was in a state of civil war which involved the last two factions of Jewish fanatics (zealots). They continued to fight among each other even while they were fighting against the Romans who put Jerusalem under siege in AD 66 and AD 70.


Where do I see fanaticism occurring around me?

Do you see fanaticism in your church?



Rome returns under the command of Titus who lays siege to Jerusalem.

Conditions during the siege for the civilians and defenders were horrendous. The rival factions of fanatical Jews fought over their food supply and destroyed it, resulting in starvation, theft, murder, and eventually cannibalism.

Finally the Romans entered the city and destroyed the Temple, slaughtering many people along the way.


What does this have to do with me today?

What should Believers be doing to prepare for the time of the end?

What should I be studying to prepare for the end times?