Chapter 6:
Huss and Jerome
“Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.” James 1:12
The scene opens with the writings of Wycliffe arriving in Bohemia. The writings are the light that divide the darkness with the preaching of the gospel. Those who see the light and turn to it, make a powerful enemy of darkness. The enemies of truth do everything they can to extinguish God’s Word and the people and the land groan under their persecution.
What are the elements of this chapter?
JAN HUSS (1372-1415)
Bohemian reformer, priest, scholar, and professor.
He was rector of the University of Prague, and was attached to the court of the king of Bohemia.
JEROME OF PRAGUE (1379-1416)
Close associate of Huss, he was the one who was responsible for bringing Wycliffe’s writings to Huss.
Event: INCIDENT OF THE MURALS (c early 1400 AD)
Two strangers from England (Lollard missionaries and artists) preach against the pope but are silenced by the authorities. Later, they painted two large murals in a public area of Prague: one of the humble Jesus riding a donkey and the other of the pope decadently carried in an ornate procession. The people, including Huss, are struck by the contrast. (Matthew 21:5; Proverbs 16:5; James 4:6; 1 Peter 5:6) (TGC 99.3-100.1)
Question: For who’s glory are you using your talents for?
Concept: GOD’S WORD
Huss studies the Bible and teaches that the Scriptures are the only authority and not the pope. (Psalms 119:130)
Concept: WITNESS
Huss opposes the papacy’s abuse of authority and claims to infallibility by asserting that conscience can only be ruled by God’s Word.
Huss is summoned to Rome to answer charges of heresy but the King and Queen of Bohemia protest in his defense.
The city of Prague is placed under interdict by the pope and the people blame Huss.
No weddings, Funerals, Baptisms etc.. allowed.
Fearing further persecution, he withdraws to his home town for a time.
Event: WESTERN SCHISM (1378-1417)
A split in the church occurs when three popes contend for supremacy. Each pope crusaded against the other and Europe suffered war.
Gregory XII at Rome
Benedict XIII at Avignon
People: EMPEROR SIGISMUND (1433–1437)
Holy Roman Emperor.
Sigismund called for a Council in order to heal the schism and extirpate heretics.
Event: COUNCIL OF CONSTANCE (1414-1418)
Huss is summoned to appear to answer charges of heresy but is immediately arrested on arrival by Pope John XXIII despite having a grant of safe passage by Emperor Sigismund.
Pope John XXIII is also arrested and charged with murder, simony, and adultery.
Wycliffe's writings are condemned and a decree is made that his bones be dug up and burned.
Huss Condemned
Huss is brought to trial and burned at the stake in 1415 AD. (Matthew 5:10-12; Luke 21:12, Revelation 2:10)(TGC 108.2-108.3)
Jerome is Arrested
Jerome arrives in Constance to support Huss. He is imprisoned and threatened with death if he does not recant the doctrines of Wycliffe and Huss. Out of fear he recants.
After much reflection on Christ’s sacrifice on the cross he regrets his recantation and renounces it before the council.
Jerome is burned at the stake. (GC 111.1-112.3) (Matthew 10:18-20)
Question: How much would you be willing to give up for truth?
The death of Huss and Jerome stir up the people of Bohemia
Their followers grow in number as they denounce the Council of Constance and accuse the papacy of murder.
Hussite leader and brilliant general who despite having lost an eye in battle was able to lead the Hussites to many victories against Holy Roman crusaders.
Event: HUSSITE WARS (1419-1434)
The papacy and Holy Roman Empire crusade multiple times against Hussites.
Hussites win major victories and all crusades were repelled. (Psalm 53:5)
The papacy uses diplomacy to get what she could not by force by offering the Hussites a fraudulent treaty.
Civil war breaks out in Bohemia between moderate and radical Hussites causing Bohemia to capitulate to Rome.
The Bohemian Brethren (a.k.a Moravian Church) is formed 1457 AD.
What does this have to do with me today?
Describe the difference between Huss and Jerome when they were condemned to death.
How did Huss and Jerome’s death become a witness for Jesus?