Lesson 37: The Scriptures A Safeguard


Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105


Many people in this world are in desperate need of wisdom and understanding. Just go to a book store and look in the "self-help" section and you will see many books on how a person can improve themselves. But if the people of the world have this kind of information available to them then why is there so much darkness in the world. For the Christian living in this day and age, in is more vital for them to know what God requires of them. Many still turn to their own wisdom and understanding to know what the right thing to do is. What does God say?

What are the elements of this chapter?


Concept: GOD’S WORD

Scripture is a shield against the powers of darkness by revealing Satan's deceptions, traps, and counterfeits.

God's people must prepare themselves to discern the methods and deceptions of Satan by understanding what God’s Word says. (Isaiah 8:20)


Concept: TRIALS

(2 Timothy 4:3)

The action or process of trying or putting something or someone to the proof.

The disciples were unprepared for Jesus’ crucifixion expecting temporal power and influence, not remembering Christ's words concerning his death and resurrection, testing them in their faith. (Mark 10:33; Luke 9:44)



In the pursuit of power and influence in the world, the church will undergo a shaking in the last days.

God’s professed people will suffer disappointment as they see the church falling apart as fables in place of sound doctrine enter in causing many to love and practice sin.



False ministers who are uplifted and respected in place of God refuse to examine the testimony of scripture or understand present truth.

They focus on getting large numbers of church members which will bring in more money (tithe) and popularity.


Blind Guides

Like the Pharisees of old, Roman Catholic Priests claim to have the exclusive right to interpret scripture and compel adherents of the church to accept their interpretation.

They treat advocates of truth with contempt.


Question: Are the pastors and bishops in your church displaying the same traits as those of the Pharisees?


Ignorance is Dangerous

(Proverbs 16:25; Luke 10:25-28; Matthew 19:16-22; Mark 10:17-22) (GC 598.1)

Ignorance is not an excuse for sin when there is opportunity to know God's will. 

Good Intentions are not good enough.

Ministers are not right because they are ministers.

No such thing as a good guess when studying scriptures. Scriptures say what truth is and how to walk in it.


Question: Is there a correct way to study the Bible?

  • Have a sincere desire to learn God’s will.

    Have A teachable spirit.

    You must long after righteousness

  • Exert all powers of the mind in the study of scripture (no distractions)

    Study must be a daily event 

    Take the Bible as it reads 

    Compare scripture with scripture 

    Bible language is explained according to its obvious meaning, unless a symbol or figure is employed.

  • The Holy Spirit Leads Bible study, ask for him to be present. (John 14:26)

    The Holy Spirit helps us remember Scripture in times of need or temptation.

    The Holy Spirit helps in the learning process by preparing the heart to comprehend what is being read.

    Angels will come around those who are willing to be taught.



A lack of faith or unbelief. Unfaithful. Breaking of faith.

There are many infidels in the church, i.e. those who think they can explain the mysteries of God without Bible study such as: jesters, scoffers, and skeptics.

Bible study is a safeguard against prevalent infidelity. 



The action or process of making something ready for use or service or of getting ready for some occasion, test, or duty.

Bible study gives to the believer a preparation of heart to pass any test. (will I follow God’s Law?)

Bible study promotes a life that bears fruit in keeping with righteousness.

Bible study strengthens the soul to endure times of persecution.


Question: Now that you know… (Psalm 119:99, 104; GC 601.1)

Ask yourself: "Lord, what wilt Thou have me do?"

What does this have to do with me today?

Why do we need to STUDY the Bible? 

Are ministers of the gospel infallible?

Is there knowledge of righteousness outside of the Bible? What makes someone righteous?

When is ignorance no protection from punishment of sin? 

Now that we know what God requires of us when it comes to Bible study, what should we be asking God in respect to our lives?

Is Satan able to bless humanity with miracles?

How would you be able to know if a miracle that you saw came from God or Satan?