Chapter 35:
Liberty of Conscience Threatened
Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entagled again with the yoke of bondage. Galatians 5:1
The scene reopens with Protestantism in jeopardy. She is in danger of losing her identity by siding with the very entity that is seeking her destruction. How could this movement that was founded on Scripture only, grace only, faith only, and Christ only readily give up precious truth for friendship with the world?
What are the elements of this chapter?
Departing from established truth.
Protestant churches compromise for peace and make concessions regarding doctrines in order to bridge the gap with Rome. (Revelation 3:17-18)
A movement that promotes the working together of all Christian churches in order to be united on areas of common ground.
One of the guiding principles is to get rid of doctrines that are devisive.
United on Sunday Sacredness
Protestants are blind to their own spiritual shortcomings making the same claim of divine authority for Sunday keeping as Catholicism without Scriptural evidence. They pay homage to the Roman Catholic church by accepting the false Sabbath.
Protestants side with Catholics by saying: “They have changed” or “They're not as they were in the past.”
“As the Protestant churches have been seeking the favor of the world, false charity has blinded their eyes. They do not see but that it is right to believe good of all evil, and as the inevitable result they will finally believe evil of all good. Instead of standing in defense of the faith once delivered to the saints, they are now, as it were, apologizing to Rome for their uncharitable opinion of her, begging pardon for their bigotry.”
Protestantism Greatly Degenerated
Protestants make apologies for their former bigotries against Catholicism.
They see little danger from the Catholic church growing in power and influence. (Isaiah 5:20-21)
Inferiority Complex
Protestant churches feeling inferior, pale in comparison to the appeal of Catholic religion.
Satan employs Roman Catholicism to make an outward show of pomp in order to take minds away from God.
Catholicism presents a seductive and bewitching culture that is attractive to the un-renewed heart.
Rites and rituals that are full of pomp and ceremony appeal to the earthly and sensual.
Church and State Unity
A push for Pro-Sunday movements will increase in the end times which will enact laws against those who violate Sunday as holy.
Protestants will assert that God punishes those who violate the keeping of Sunday holy.
Veneration for human traditions will rise above the commandments of God.
The papacy will regain its supremacy.
The Papacy in Bible Prophecy
(Read GC 571.1-571.2 and compare with Revelation 13 and 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4)
The man of sin assumes an outward appearance of "holiness" but inwardly contains the venom of the serpent, exalting himself above God.
A Leopard-like beast emerged out of the sea. (Revelation 13)
Worshiped the Dragon
Spoke great things and blasphemies
Was given power to reign for 42 prophetic months
Blasphemes God and his Tabernacle and them that dwell in heaven
Made war with the saints
Had power over all kindred’s, tongues, and nations
All that dwell on the earth worshiped him whose names were not written in the book of life
Prophetic Language
Represents a King or Kingdom (see Daniel 7:17-23)
Represents people (see Revelation 17:15)
Represent powers/rulers/governments (see Daniel 7:17-23; Revelation 17:3,9-10)
Represents a king or political power (see Daniel 7:17-23; 8: 8,22; Revelation 17:3,9-10)
Represents a King or Reign/Kingdom (see 1 Chronicles 20:2; 2 Kings 11:12; Ezekiel 21: 26-27; James 1:12; 2 Timothy 4:7-8; 1 Corinthians 9:25)
Represents the Kingdom of Greece or unchangeable such as a leopard unable to change his spots (see Daniel 7:6
Represents the Medo-Persian Empire
(see Proverbs 28:15; 2 Kings 2:23-24; Daniel 7:5)
Represents the Babylonian Empire
(see Rev. 5:4-9, Jer. 50:43-44, Dan. 7:4,17,23)
Represents Satan or a Satanic kingdom.
(see Isaiah 27:1; 30:6; Psalms 74:13,14; Revelation 12:7,9; Ezekiel 29:3; Jeremiah 51:34)
Why is the papacy leopard-like? (GC 581.2)
Shrewd and cunning (by biding time)
Stealthy (when hunting for prey).
Loyalty to the Papacy
Adherents are bound in allegiance to the pope and regard her authority as above all others.
Napoleon Bonaparte’s General Berthier marches into Rome and captures the pope in 1798 marking the end of the pope’s power. The deadly wound of Revelation 13 is inflicted.
The United States in Bible Prophecy
A beast with lamb-like horns (Revelation 13: 11-16; 2 Thessalonians 2: 3-5; Revelation 13:8) (GC 578.3)
A kingdom or nation that will rise out of a land not heavily populated.
Lamblike = Christlike
Horns = power
Speaks as a Dragon
Protestants will open the door for the papacy to regain supremacy by using the government of the United States to enforce Sunday observance through the courts.
Prophecy Foretells Rome's Return to Power
Deadly wound healed (Revelation 13:3)
The "man of sin" will continue until the second advent. (2 Thessalonians 2:3)
To compel someone into an action by threat or force.
The Catholic church uses torture and punishment to force her doctrines upon others.
Dignitaries of the church studied torture under Satan’s instruction.
The Catholic church threatens with death those who do not obey her orders.(See Lesson 5 and 6)
Sunday Law Enforced with Lies
(Read GC 576.2)
All persons were commanded to refrain from common labor on Sunday. The Catholic church leaders used fables to coerce the ignorant and superstitious people into obedience.
How Rome Dealt with Sabbath Keepers in the Past
Bloody persecution of the Waldenses (See Lesson 4)(Book Recommendation: “History of the Waldenses” by: J.A. Wylie)
Abyssinia (Book Recommendation: “Church History of Ethiopia” by: Michael Geddes)
Concept: HERESY
Any belief or theory that is strongly at variance with established beliefs or customs.
A heretic is a proponent of beliefs that are at variance with the establishment.
Christ's example compared to the Pope's example
Love, mercy, sympathy and forgiveness.
Sin is transgression of the law of God
Heresy must be exterminated by killing heretics.
Forgiveness of sin can be purchased through the church.
The Catholic Church Resembles the Jewish Church
(Matthew 23:4 )
In time of Christ’s earthly ministry, the Jewish church outwardly obeyed God's precepts and loaded down others to the same while secretly trampling the principles of God's law.
False Piety
Romanists claim to reverence the cross and purposefully display them everywhere but they deny Jesus’ influence in their lives by continuing to live decadently. Jesus’ teachings are buried beneath traditions, false interpretation of the Bible, and rigorous exactions of penance. They encourage the idea that God is angry with man and that we should serve Him through fear of punishment. (2 Timothy 3:1-6)
Satan's Goal for the Roman Catholic Church
The Roman Catholic Church misrepresents the character of God by misrepresenting the nature of sin, blinding men to the importance of God's law and giving license to commit sin.
People are made more loyal to the church than to God, and persecute those who go against her dogmas defiled with paganism.
Roman Catholicism deceives its followers into thinking:
The church is the only gateway to heaven.
Because the church is popular, “How could it be wrong?”
Concept: Form of Godliness
The Catholic Church has a form of godliness without the power to have victory over sin.
Just as Judas had professed to be a follower of Christ yet betrayed Him.
The Roman Catholic Church is not in harmony with Scripture.
She substitutes the worship for God and His Son for worshiping images, relics, saints, and even the pope. (Exodus 20:2-6)
The “Infallibility” of the pope is held to this day from the time of it’s affirmation in the nineteenth century.
Fraud and Forgery
Rome unable to refute scripture regarding the Sabbath created fake documents that stated “God” commanded Sunday worship.
The people were forbidden to labor from three o'clock, on Saturday afternoon, till sunrise on Monday under threat of punishment.
People: EUSEBIUS 260-339 AD
Eusebius claimed that Christ transferred Sabbath to Sunday but admits that there is no evidence to support it.
Sunday is an establishment of Papacy, for while the seventh-day Sabbath was kept, Sunday exaltation continued, steadily changing over time. (see Lesson 3)
Roman Catholic Austerity
In place of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, Roman Catholicism encouraged her people to torture themselves.
Flagellation – whipping self
Bodily mortification – wearing painful devices and starvation
Yes. There are those in the Catholic church who are living up to what they know to be right, but are under a delusion, blindly going through ceremonies and rituals thinking they are pleasing God in order to avoid punishment.
Renewed hearts
Having a foundation of truth
Question: What happens to God’s people when they don't study their Bibles?
Without Bible study, people become wise in their own eyes and ignorant of the Truth.
God’s people fall asleep by seeking an easier path of spirituality and turn to Rome for the answers.
They are like the foolish virgins because they were not prepared to receive the bridegroom (Christ) when he came.
The ability to comprehend something that is hidden.
(Psalm 119:103-105)
God's Holy Word allows us to discern the papacy’s sins and shows us her true character.
The papacy’s character should cause us to abhor and shun it.
What does this have to do with me today?
Could the Catholic Church repeat the same persecutions of old, isn't the Catholic Church different now?
What is the current Pope saying today regarding their authority and Sunday keeping?
How could persecution happen in the United States, aren't we protected by the constitution?
Why are the Protestant churches blind and asleep? What does God ask of us concerning our character?
Why Does Satan hate the Bible, and where do we see the fruits of Satan's hatred toward the Bible?
What does Jesus think about those who persecute the ones who don't receive Him? (Luke 9:54-56)