Lesson 32:
Snares of Satan
“And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will." 2 Timothy 2:24-26
One of the most astute students of the Bible is also one of its greatest critics. He is able to use the Bible to his utmost advantage to deceive people into seeing things his way. Satan is banking on mankind’s wrong understanding of Scripture. Often times, humanity relies on its own understanding of right and wrong. That fact makes it easy for the devil to influence them to read the Bible with evil motives.
What are the elements of this chapter?
What is a Snare?
A snare is a device that is used to catch, hold, and sometimes kill an intended prey.
Satan Lays Snares for God's people
To defeat the work of Christ, Satan endeavors to hold God’s people in darkness and impenitence to prevent them from receiving the the love of the truth.
Satan has his earthly agents infiltrate and disrupt the church by causing them to neglect prayer and the study of Scripture. (Job 1:6, Matthew 7:16)(see Lesson 2&3)
They have a profession of godliness but deny its power in their lives. (2 Timothy 3:1-9)
Always seeking fault and error of faith in those who don't agree with them. They are argumentative on points of doctrine based on their opinions or feelings and accuse the brethren of the very sins which they themselves commit. (1 Peter 5:8)
Satan brings in unconverted people into the church to encourage doubt and unbelief and hinder the work of God. (2 Timothy 2:15) (GC 520.2)
Fake Christians
They agree to some truth enough to pass as Christians, but forward heresy and doctrinal errors to the church such as:
Liberal teaching
False theories
Pleasing fables that quiet the conscience
False gospels
Not supporting true evangelism
Beliefs not bound by authority, orthodoxy, or traditional forms; lacking moral restraint.
A philosophy that elevates human opinion as the beginning of wisdom.
Human opinion of what is right replaces Biblical authority which causes God’s law to be set aside leading to lawlessness. It accepts sin as normal or unavoidable.
Wrong Motives of Bible Study
Vague and fanciful interpretation of Scripture can confuse the mind so that someone won’t be able to discern the truth.
Seeking to discover something odd or original or mysterious in Scripture.
Interpreting symbols to suit one’s own imagination, Not allowing Scripture to interpret itself.
A Secret rapture,
God’s Law not valid (Antinomianism)
Going directly to heaven or hell at death (Spiritualism)
Sunday as the Sabbath
Who the antichrist is
Who the beast is
Speaking in tongues (Glossolalia)
Question: Have you seen professed believers in Christ use the Bible in a selfish manner?
Concept: GOD'S WORD
The Scriptures are a guide to know God's character and to show what will come to pass through the testimony of prophecy. (Exodus 34:6-7; Habakkuk 2:2)
Scripture shows that salvation is not a mystery, but plain to understand and not meant to perplex or mislead seekers of truth. (2 Timothy 3:15)
Science falsely so-called is a snare that leads to doubt.
It does not in harmony with Scripture, accepting mere theories as scientific facts such as: Theory of Evolution, Survival of the fittest
False Christianity suggests that "God's word is to be tested by science" and that Bible history is regarded as unreliable as it is unexplainable by natural laws.
A belief or impression that is maintained despite being contradicted by what is already accepted as true.
Those who are Bible “surface readers” are unprotected from delusion. (2 Thessalonians 2:7-12; Matthew 24:23-26)
Carnal in nature, and selfish, they are unwilling to accept plain cutting truths and look for pleasing fables to avoid repentence. (1 Corinthians 2:14)
What are some of these snares that are designed to catch the church?
False Beliefs About Christ
Christ is not God because He did not exist before His first advent. This is contradictory as Jesus describes his relationship to the Father as eternal (John 8:58)
Satan Doesn't Exist?
It is a snare to believe that Satan is made up as a fictional character and a metaphorical representation of men’s evil thoughts and desires. (John 8:44)
Christ’s Second Coming Not Literal?
It is a false doctrine that the second advent of Christ comes to “righteous” individuals at their death. This diverts away from the truth of the literal second coming. (Revelation 1:7; 1 Thessalonians 4:16)
Prayer is Not Essential?
Skeptics put forward the belief that there is no scientific proof of answers to prayer and that miracles don’t exist. (2 Peter 3:3)
The Universe is Based on Fixed Laws That God Can’t Brake?
Skeptical scientists declare that God does nothing contrary to fixed universal laws, therefore he is bound by these laws. (Genesis 7:10-12; Exodus 14:15-22; Joshua 10:12-14; Isaiah 38:1-8; John 11:38-44)
Erroneous Church Doctrines
Un-Biblical doctrines are circulated in the church such as:
“We will be sinning until Jesus comes”
“We are all brothers and sisters” (Matthew 12:48-50)
“Jesus is a lover not a fighter.”
Skepticism of Scripture:
“You can't believe in all of it.”
“We need to get rid of Clobber verses.”
“The ancient text is not relevant to today’s culture.”
(Psalm 19:7-9; Isaiah 5:20; 40:8; Matthew 5:18; Revelation 22:19; )
It's More Important to Love One Another
“Lets not judge one another.”
The sentiment of “judge not lest ye be judged” is used to excuse/ overlook sin.(Numbers 32:23; Matthew 12:35-37)
Satan’s Agents Unleashed in the Church
Confidence in God's word is eroded by Satan's agents in order to cause the church to disobey God and overthrow His authority.
They read or listen to the Bible, especially to find fault with it .
They uplift skepticism as a virtue and become critical of the Bible.
They are self-confident and prideful.
They are too in love with their easy life, justifying their neglect of duty to God.
A fake that resembles the true.
Satan presents counterfeit ideology to the church in order to deceive those who are willing to be deceived. He targets those who are unwilling to fulfill the requirements of the truth.
Truth Overcomes Temptation
Jesus is the true light and truth. (John 14:6; John 1:1-9)
The Spirit of truth guides men into all truth (John 7:17, John 16:13)
Temptation is overcome by having a subdued and contrite heart (Psalm 34:18; Psalm 51:17; Isaiah 57:15; Isaiah 66:1-2)
Confess and put away sins and claim God’s promises in faith. (1 John 1:9; 2 Peter 3:4)
What does this have to do with me today?
Is it possible to study the Bible in a wrong way?
Which class of Bible reader is unprotected from delusion?
Who should I consider brothers and sisters? (Matthew 12:48-50)
What kinds of traps or snares exist in my church?
Can you think of an example of a pleasing fable?
What are some examples of “science falsely so-called?”