Lesson 30:
Enmity Between Man and Satan
“And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” Genesis 3:15
When it comes to relationships, it is easy to like someone who is admirable, talented, and beautiful; especially if they are sweet and show interest. Unfortunately, many people use flattery to get what they want but when it is no longer effective they move on. Satan uses the same tactics in his quest to get worship from mankind; however, Satan’s true motives are hidden. He is driven by hatred and jealousy towards Jesus and His followers. His goal is to destroy the image of God in the minds of humanity.
What are the elements of this chapter?
Concept: ENMITY
The state or feeling of being actively opposed or hostile to someone or something; Hostility, hatred, ill will, animosity, antagonism. (Genesis 3:15; Genesis 6:5)
No Natural Enmity
Without a state of enmity, a steady friendship would have existed between man and Satan that would result in them being allies in apostasy against God.
Mankind would have a tendency to sympathize with Satan because they share a common desire for self and the “common good”.
Satan's Goals
Satan desires to cause mankind to sin in order to secure their co-operation in his warfare against Heaven. (2 Corinthians 4:4)
Blind Agents
When humanity lives a life of sin, they make themselves the servants of Satan in his fight against God.
Mankind is defiled, blind to the lifesaving power of the gospel message and without protection from the sinful world. (Acts 5:3-4; Revelation 3:15-17)
“Satan’s enmity against the human race is kindled because, through Christ, they are the objects of God’s love and mercy. ”
Satan's Kingdom
Satan’s kingdom is an agency of evil angels and men that are constantly working to establish his kingdom on earth in opposition to the government of God.
Satan’s Agents use his Methods
Disease and famine
Hatred, rivalry, strife, and rebellion in the church
Destruction of the family
Manipulation and perversion of the Scriptures
“Satan worries about enmity towards him because his efforts to deprave human nature would be revealed and interrupted and man would be able to resist his power. The grace from Christ creates the enmity towards Satan ”
Satan’s Enmity Toward Christ
In his earthly ministry, Christ was persecuted because of His purity, holiness, self-denial, and sinless devotion. His life was a constant reproof to Satan.
Jesus Persecuted Through His Followers
Satan shows his enmity toward Christ in the personage of the followers of Christ. (2 Timothy 3:12)
They are persecuted because they love the truth and are a reproach to the world because they reflect the character of Jesus. because of this they are the object of God’s love.
Earthly Satanic Agents
Satan conceals himself in earthly agents to bring them under his control.
They praise talent and education and seek admiration and honor above all, lacking Christ’s character.
Solomon’s Example
Solomon was used by Satan when he used his God given wisdom for vanity and self-reliance. He fell prey to temptation and used his talents for Satan's glory for a time. Talents not used for God are instruments of Satan. (GC 509.2)
Ungodly Relationships
Satan designs ungodly relationships to convert God’s people to the world in character and actions:
By exposing them to temptation
By causing them to conform to worldly customs
Results in the church converting to the world
God's People are Unprepared
Satan is looking for victims. (Ephesians 6:12)
They have little real connection with Christ because they are destitute of Christ’s Spirit. They continue to be captive to Satan and seek conflict over peace.
Sin is not repulsive and abhorrent to them, they no longer resist sin or realize how bad it is.
Ignorance to Satan’s character and power and the extent of his warfare against Christ and His church is disregarded.
“ There is little enmity against Satan and his works, because there is so great ignorance concerning his power and malice, and the vast extent of his warfare against Christ and His church.”
Standing against Satan
A renewed heart has hatred of sin and determination to resist it’s power.
Be sober and vigilant and put on the armor of God. (1 Peter 5:8; Ephesians 6:11 )
There is a Cost
The cost of following Christ’s example will cause the follower to be targeted by Satan and persecuted by sinful men.
What does this have to do with me today?
How are we supposed to stand up against all the methods of Satan?
What is the difference between a display of talent and having a fear of God and a love of truth?
Is it possible to pretend to use our talents for God when in reality we are using them for selfish reasons?
Does talent and intellect entitle people to God's favor?
Is it possible for talent, education, and culture draw one away from God?
Are we able to fight the devil on our own?
Do I see people around me who love wrongdoing? Do I see it in family relationships or gender identity? How did they get there?