Chapter 26:

A Work of Reform 


And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in. Isaiah 58:12


When Martin Luther posted his ninety-five theses on the Wittenberg church door, his goal was to reform the church. The sin within the church was revealed and he called for change. Unfortunately, the church at large was not receptive. When the Adventists took time to study and pray, they discovered God’s Law as the transcript of His character. They realized that they had broken God’s Law by forgetting His Sabbath day. God was calling them to reform and they were receptive.

What are the elements of this chapter?



The seventh-day Sabbath of the fourth commandment is a blessing for those who keep it.

The Sabbath a Seal

It is the Seal of God’s Law because it shows the name, title, and territory of the author. (Exodus 20:8-11; Isaiah 56:1-2,6-7; Psalm 119:142; Isaiah 8:20)

It is a test of truth and a reproof for sin. God’s people are the ones who are reproved for sin.


The Sabbath Always Kept

From Adam to Jacob.

The Israelites lost sight of the Sabbath during their captivity in Egypt.

During the Reformation, the Sabbath was kept in secret by the Waldenses.



The Sabbath Broken when the papacy changed it to Sunday. (GC 454.2)

"We've always kept Sunday. It’s tradition."

"Sabbath will throw us out of harmony with the world. we will loose our influence!"


Israel and the Early Adventists Compared

God led and tested both Israel and the Adventists.

If only Israel had trusted God’s leading. If only Adventists had received the third angel’s message.

They both fell into apostasy.

(Psalm 139:23-24; Zechariah 13:9; Psalm 66:10; Numbers 14:33-34; Hebrews 3:19) (GC 458.1)

Glory Delayed

It was not God's will for children of Israel to wander the desert forty years. because of it, God caused a whole generation of them to die and not enter the promise land. He raised up others to enter the Promised Land

It was not God’s will to delay His coming but because of unbelief, the Adventists were separated from God. They refused to do the work that was appointed them, so others were raised up to proclaim the message.



A call is made to followers of Christ to return to keeping the seventh-day Sabbath (Isaiah 58:12-14; Daniel 7:25) (GC 452.4)


Watchmen on the Wall

Christ’s followers are called to be watchmen on the wall, determined to deliver the message despite opposition and to follow principle rather than policy. They are willing to experience affliction in ministry as they face inconvenience, and receive reproach from unbelievers inside and outside the church. (Ezekiel 33:7-9; 2 Corinthians 4:17; Hebrews 11:24-26; Isaiah 51:7-8)


Reform Excites Intolerance Among Unbelievers

(Ezekiel 3:7; Ezekiel 2:7; John 3:20; 1 Kings 18:17)

The apostate church is intolerant because they are unable to justify their position by the Scripture so they resort to malicious character assassination of those who bear the truth. The truth bearers are in good company in that Elijah was called a troubler of Israel. Jeremiah was called a traitor, and Paul was called a polluter.


 What does this have to do with me today?

Why is the law and the Sabbath called into question?

When you think of reformation, what do you think of? What does it consist of?

Why is the work of the Reformers of the past important to us today?

What is the duty of the messenger of truth despite unpopularity?

When I look at the way that the church behaves in matters of policy and procedure, do I see a need for reform?

What can the church do to prevent repeating the same mistakes that Israel made?

What can God's church do now to be good watchmen?