Chapter 20:
A Great Religious Awakening
“And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Romans 13:11-12
Once again, God stirs up the hearts of those who are hungry for His Word. They would be the ones to bring the message to the world, “Wake up!” Thousands of minds are directed towards the Second Coming of Christ. Many end up turning away, but those who are humble don’t lose their faith despite a bitter disappointment. They carry on the movement that continues to this day.
What are the elements of this chapter?
A preparation for Christ’s Second Advent must be made through the everlasting gospel. (Revelation 14: 6, 7)
Paul gives a warning not to look for the coming of Christ in his day because apostasy was to first take place in the church.
The “man of sin” to be revealed. (2 Thessalonians 2)
The Book of Daniel unsealed. (Daniel 12:4)
Knowledge of prophecy increased.
Concept: 1260 YEARS PROPHECY
(538 AD-1798 AD)
The papacy would rule for 1260 years and then the “time of the end” would begin. (Daniel 7:7-8,19-25; 12:24-25)
Adventism proclaims the second coming of Jesus Christ.
The study of prophecy increases in the Adventist movement.
People: JOSEPH WOLFF (1795-1862)
German Missionary of Jewish decent
(GC 357.3, 358.1, 359.2, 361.1)
At seven years old, he learned that Jesus is the Messiah and leaves home to pursue an education at eleven years old.
He converts to Catholicism and opposes its abuses later converting to Anglicanism.
Joseph Wolf does extensive missionary work to Africa and Asia traveling unprotected, suffering privation, sold as a slave, threatened with execution, nearly died of thirst, and robbed.
He discovers the second coming of Christ by studying the prophecies in the Bible.
People: MANUEL LACUNZA (1731-1801)
Spanish Jesuit Priest
Discovers Christ's second coming in Scriptures
Lacunza wrote books about Christ’s Second Coming under the pen name Rabbi Ben-Ezra which found its way to England and translated to English.
People: JOHANN ALBRECHT BENGEL (1687-1752)
German Lutheran clergyman and scholar.
Discovers Second Coming of Christ message in Revelation.
He predicts Christ's second coming close to Miller's 1844 prediction.
People: FRANÇOIS LOUIS GAUSSEN (1790-1863)
Swiss clergyman, from Geneva (GC 365.3)
Interested in prophecy after reading Rollin’s Ancient History. His attention is called to Daniel 2 and as a result from studying this prophecy, he abandons his rationistic mindset.
He evangelized to children the messages found in the prophecies and as he did, the adults also come to listen.
Child Preachers
Adventism is opposed in Scandinavia and Adventist evangelists are thrown into prison.
The Holy Spirit moved in the hearts of children and they began to preach and evangelize, taking the place of the adults. Some children were as young as six years old and mostly in lower classes. (Matthew 21:16) Their preaching reproved the sins of the people who heard them.
America, the Center of the Advent Movement
William Miller's writings on the testimony of prophecies are not well received by many pastors which led to the advent movement becoming a largely layman driven ministry.
Preaching the Adventist message is a warning to flee wrath to come just as John the Baptist's message was. (Matthew 3:1-11)
The gospel message reaches the lost and moves people to repentance. (GC 369.1-369.3)
Receiving the Message
Evangelism of the advent truth is conducted on a large scale and accepted by thousands.
The most humble receive the message first when they study the Bible, dispelling the ignorance of popular views.
Receivers of the advent message uplift the divine authority of Scripture and are persecuted by their own brethren who don't believe.
(2 Peter 3: 3-4; 1 Thessalonians 5: 2-4)
Persecution comes from unconverted pastors who argue against Adventism by declaring that “No one knows the hour…” Mathew 24:36
The Bible warns against ignoring the signs and scriptures that speak of Christ's return. (Matthew 24:32-33, 2 Thessalonians 2:10)
Unfaithful watchmen cry “Peace, peace…” and refuse the kingdom of God for themselves and also prevent others from entering in.
God’s hand covered a mistake (GC 373.2-374.1) (Revelation 10:9-10)
God’s purposes were being accomplished by testing the hearts of receivers of His Word.
What does this have to do with me today?
Why must God's people be faced with oppositions and disappointments?
How should I prepare for tests and trials in the future?
Is it possible to go through fewer trials by not resisting the Holy Spirit’s leading?
How are we to know when the time of Jesus coming is near?
Does my church need a wakeup call?