Chapter 16:

The Pilgrim Fathers


But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed. James 1:25


The scene returns to England. The Church of England wins out over the Catholic Church in government and society. But there are still some similarities that linger. Oppressive actions cause some to break away. These new pilgrims risk all to find a place where they will be able to worship God according to the dictates of their conscience. They embark on a journey that will bring them to a new world and a new faith. But will they also bring with them religious liberty?

What are the elements of this chapter?


Retaining Catholic Doctrine

The people of England were forced to attend church and carry on the same customs and ceremonies of Romanism.

The Church of England wanted to bridge the gap between Rome and England.



English protestants who wanted to reform the church of England into a purer form of worship.

They broke away from the church of England.


People: JAMES I (1566-1625)

King of England, Scotland, and Ireland.

He determined to cause the Puritans to conform to the church of England.


King James I Persecuted the Puritans

The Puritans are thrown out of England and find refuge in the Netherlands where they faced hardship.

Puritans journey to America for religious freedom and found the Plymouth colony (Massachusetts).


The Puritans Become the Persecutors

The Puritans unite Church and State by prohibiting the taking of public office to those who are not part of the church.


People: ROGER WILLIAMS (1603-1683)

Puritan minister and advocate for religious freedom and founder of the Rhode Island colony.

He was persecuted by Puritans because of his views of liberty of conscience and the separation of church and state.

He later became a Baptist preacher.



The freedom to believe and exercise according to the dictates of conscience.

Framework of: Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution

Immigrants flock to America looking for religious freedom


What does this have to do with me today?

What hardship are you willing to endure to worship God according to the dictate of your conscience?

Are you willing to stand up for the word of God even though it is unpopular?

Are you willing to be called old fashioned, odd, un-cool, and “goody-two-shoes” for Jesus? What does that mean?