Lesson 12:
The French Reformation
And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in. Isaiah 58:12
The scene opens in France. Another field of battle is opened in this great controversy. God raises several men to begin the work of reformation there. Persecution once again troubles the peace of those who are enlightened with God's Word. One day in the future France would pay for her cruelty and malice.
What are the elements of this chapter?
People: JACQUES LEFéVRE (1455-1536)
French professor and theologian.
A precursor to the reformation in France whose accomplishments include translating the Bible to French in Meaux, France.
Event: Persecution in Meaux
Converts to Protestantism in Meaux are persecuted by catholic authorities.
The Bishop of Meaux who was a partner of Lefévre in evangelism, was pressured by papists to recant and turned away from Protestantism. (Matthew 13; Hebrews10:38)
People: LOUIS DE BERQUIN (1490-1529)
French nobleman and protestant reformer
Converted to Protestantism after reading the Bible.
A well respected noble who was defended King Francis I.
He was tried and executed while the king was away.
People: JOHN CALVIN (1509-1564)
French Catholic Priest and reformer
Deeply affected by Protestantism when he witnessed a "heretic" burned at the stake. He was puzzled by the peace that the martyr showed despite his suffering.
Calvin studied the Bible, and gave his life to Christ, converting to Protestantism. He started home churches in France and stayed away from the negative influence of the university scholars.
He was protected by Princess Margret, who supported Protestantism, allowing him to preach the gospel in city for two years until he was threatened with arrest.
He fled to Geneva Switzerland where he helped turn it into a protestant stronghold.
Placards that contained denunciations of the mass were placed around Paris.
One protestant activist placed a placard on king’s private chamber which caused the king to fear for his safety, prompting him to get rid of Protestantism in France.
Mass persecution of protestants erupted in Paris. Many were arrested and executed in a ceremonial procession throughout the city. Protestant reformers were tied to stakes waiting to be burned as the king’s procession passed by.
People: WILLIAM FAREL (1489-1565)
French evangelist and protestant reformer.
Known as the “Martin Luther” of France, Farel was a papist turned reformer, who won many converts.
To avoid persecution, Farel fled to Geneva where he worked as a schoolmaster while he evangelized. Because of his efforts, Geneva is established as a city of refuge for persecuted protestants and a center for evangelism. The Geneva Bible is printed which became the Bible of the
French protestants
They were heavily persecuted to the brink of extinction during the 1500s.
Many of them leave France never to return spreading Protestantism to the rest of the world.
People: IGNATIUS LOYOLA (1491-1556)
Former soldier turned catholic priest.
Founder of the Society of Jesus, also known as the Jesuits.
A military order of the papacy dedicated to wipe out Protestantism and re-establish papal supremacy.
They take an oath where the main theme is “the end justifies the means” which justifies murder, dishonesty, in order to infiltrate protestant churches and destroy them.
The Jesuit order was founded by Ignatius of Loyola in 1537 which started the Counter Reformation.
What does this have to do with me today?
Have you seen someone in your church stand up against an injustice that the church was committing? What were the consequences of standing up for injustice?
What did you think of that person at first?
Did you change your mind about that person later? Did it cause you to consider the position of the church?
What does it mean to take the Lord's name in vain?
Are you Ready to face persecution?